Thursday, September 15, 2011

painting: bee on borage

bee on borage, acrylic on wood, 5 x 5" SOLD
This little bee is being donated to the annual Art for Life auction, a lovely event put on by Face to Face, Sonoma County's Aids Network. The Auction will be held this Saturday in Windsor, CA. To preview some of the other work which will be available for purchase, click here.

bees of early Fall

The bees of early September are still going strong-- crazy for fennel & Autumn Joy sedum, dahlias, & sunflowers. More paintings will surely follow... :  )

Friday, September 9, 2011

paintings: two bees on verbena

'Dancer': SOLD  
I've posted earlier about how much the bees love this plant: verbena bonariensis- here, more evidence.


painting: honeybee on lemon blossom

honeybee on lemon blossom, acrylic on wood,  5 x 5.25"
I love this bee's splayed-leg stance as it goes to work on this Meyer lemon blossom.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

painting: honeybee on Rhaphiolepis

honeybee on rhaphiolepis, acrylic on wood,  5.12 x 5.12" SOLD
Rhaphiolepis, aka Indian Hawthorne, was one of the two plants (together with Spanish Lavender) that had bees flocking to our Sonoma County garden in about April of this year.

Six bees fly!

six bees--various sizes; SOLD

These six bees left together for a new home today. I love to see them hung in groupings.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

painting: honeybee on Japanese Iris

bee on iris, acrylic on wood, 5 x 5.5",   SOLD
This bee is shown on the underside of a white Japanese Iris (iris ensata). The nectar of these flowers must drip down beneath the blossoms, as this is where I frequently saw honeybees at work, rather than in the interior of the flower.

Monday, September 5, 2011

paintings: bees on mustard

bee on mustard (green), acrylic on wood, 3.5 x 5",  SOLD
bee on mustard (sky), acrylic on wood, 3.75 x 5.25" SOLD
I'm finishing up bee paintings started a little while back, so these bees are shown on mustard (which grows wildly here-- fields & fields of it here in the spring) which bloomed several months back.  Both are picking up good quantities of pollen-- which you can see most clearly in the second bee's pollen sacs.